CATICORN POWER!!!!!! by Cassandra Quint Park is the first in our Ten Under Ten Series of short films conceived entirely by Asian American kids below the age of 10. There is only one rule, the idea must come entirely from the imagination of the young filmmaker, who will get help in editing the final product. Ma-Yi Studios provided a camera, plus lighting and sound equipment, and a small budget for costumes, magic, and pizza.
Please support our artists. Donate directly to their Venmo Accounts by clicking the yellow highlighted text next to their names. Thank you.
Cassandra Quint Park | Performer
Amy Frances Quint | Performer
Matthew Gunn Park | Performer
Cassandra Quint Park | Creator & Writer, "Cassandra"
Paul Lieber | Director, Editor, Cinematographer
Amy Frances Quint | Costumes
K.J. Kim | Friendly Cat Costume
Chad Raines | Music
Francesca Russo | Production Assistant
Lara Quint | Production Assistant
Matt Gunn Park | "Caticorn Power" Theme Song