Bryan Joon (Healthcare Navigator & PrEP Program Manager; Member, GAPIMNY) speaks on The New York Health Act during the Ma-Yi Theater Company Symposium.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the weaknesses of healthcare being tied to employment and the greed & inadequacy of private health insurance companies – AAPI communities and the American people at large live in a constant state of fear of losing their health insurance and going into mountainous medical debt for treatment of preventable illnesses. New York State is now closer than it’s ever been to passing single-payer healthcare in the form of The New York Health Act. The New York Health Act would guarantee healthcare to all who live and/or work in New York State. Moderated by Jesse Jae Hoon, this town hall outlined the flaws in our current healthcare system, the need for Medicare For All and The New York Health Act, and how we can all fight to win this transformative legislation.
Volunteer to spread the word about The New York Health Act with Campaign for NY Health or NYC-DSA.
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Bryan Joon | Panelist
Jesse Jae Hoon | Moderator
Jason Farr | ASL Interpreter
Creative Team
Sarah Hanlon | Tech & Associate Producer
Lucille Lortel Foundation | Sponsor
Howard Gilman Foundation | Funder
New York Community Trust | Funder